Retired Does

Pictured above is Moonshine's Dam, Mistyhighland Farm Destiny on her first freshening. Destiny consistently did well at ADGA sanctioned shows, placing toward the top of her classes. At local 4-H shows, Destiny received Best of Breed 3 years in a row and Grand Champion 5 years in a row. Destiny was sold in 2014 to a family in Somers, CT. She is missed daily and we are forever thankful for all that she has given us in our herd.

* Click through slideshow for supporting photos *
D.O.B. 06-13-13
Blue Eyed
LA 2021: VVEA 80
Sire: Mistyhighland Farm R Redford
S: Doemain Acres BB Revelee S*
D: Frog Rock Farm Annie
Dam: Mistyhighland Farm Destiny
S: Doemain Acres BB Revelee S*
D: Doemain Acres BB Cookies & Cream
Progeny in Herd:
Little Moon Acres RN Brandy
Little Moon Acres RN Piper
Moonshine is the matrich doe of our herd and the reason for our farm name, Little Moon Acres. When I had the opportunity to purchase a doe from her dam, which was my 4H project, I decided to take it! This project with a single doe sent me on a path I never imagined myself on, going on to be a National Finalist in Agricultural Processing for the National FFA in 2016. Moonshine has very sharp withers, a long neck, and her back and rump improved exceptionally with maturity. For a small girl, her udder has proven sensational in the past similar to her dam's with large capacity throughout. She is an affectionate, sweet girl and excellent mother. Moonie kidded out in 2015 with two does and then again with a single doe in 2021 which unfortunately did not make it. We were unable to get a sample for milk testing due to issues with the lab, but participated in LA in 2021. Moonie was milking out around four pounds a day in the peak of her lactation in 2021. Moonshine is now retired here on our farm and living out her days as a happy pasture potato! I am forever in debt for this doe who gave me so much when I knew so little. She is a very special girl!
Little Moon Acres RN Brandy

* Click through slideshow for supporting photos *
D.O.B: 04-09-2015
Blue Eyed
LA 2021: VVEV 86
Sire: Rebeka Acres MB Raise A Native
S: Phoenix Rising Mine That Bird +*B ST 2017
D: 5 Acres Farm Sweet Summer Emily
Dam: MistyHighland Farm R Moonshine
S: MistyHighland Farm R Redford
D: MistyHighland Farm Destiny
We retained Brandy from a Moonshine kidding in 2015. Brandy has by far proven to be one of the strongest does in our herd. She stands very correct and shows lots of dairy character, especially depth of body. Her rump and brisket are something to talk about! Her udder shows larger capacity compared to her dam. Her teats are on the larger side for a Nigerian and are easily milkable. She kidded out with buck/doe twins in 2018, 2021 with quads, three does and a buck, then in 2022 with twin does. This doe knows her job now and does it well, wanting to be milked and is a pleasure on the stand both personality wise and with ease of milking. She is starting to be more like her grandmother as she ages, which makes me really happy. Brandy is a "lifer" here on the farm and we love her so much!​
After short cycling three times in the fall of 2022, Brandy scanned as open and we decided to retire her early instead of trying to breed her again since she will be 8 years old this spring. I am disappointed and sad, but know that this was likely planned timing from whatever forces exist above! She has given me several wonderful kids, mostly all does, and had a great span as a performing dairy animal. She was my first home grown that I was able to show, do LA with, and milk test. I am grateful for what she has given me and know she deserves the best retirement.
Little Moon Acres RN Piper

D.O.B: 04-09-2015
Blue Eyed
LA 2021: +VV+ 85
LA 2022: +EEV 87
Sire: Rebeka Acres MB Raise A Native
S: Phoenix Rising Mine That Bird +B ST 2017
D: 5 Acres Farm Sweet Summer Emily
Dam: MistyHighland Farm R Moonshine
S: MistyHighland Farm R Redford
D: MistyHighland Farm Destiny
Piper is the littermate sister of Brandy and while the two are directly related, they both have their own traits which make them unique. Piper is more of an "Old Style" Nigerian, being a bit smaller in stature. Her udder is soft and easy to milk. She had 6 freshenings over her career and I am the most impressed with rear udder attachments, something that appears to be strong throughout all of the does in my herd which isn't a bad trait to have. She still proves to be different from her sister but good in different ways. Piper is a sweet, quiet, and inquisitive girl. We love what she offers us in kidding, producing better than herself, and through her sweet personality!
** Piper kidded out with triplet bucks this spring to finish out her career! Although I was disappointed, they are all stunning and are a testament to who she is as a doe. She kidded with ease again on her own and never let me see! She will be on our one day milk test this spring and one later this summer. Since we didn't get the chance to keep anything from her out of our new buck, Seattle, we purchased a granddaughter of hers this year who is sired by Seattle and whose grandsire is Malarkey. Piper is the sweetest girl and the best milker. While it was sad to move her to my retirement page and have an era end as all of my foundation does are now done with their work, I am happy to see them live out the retirement here that they deserve and have the rest of their days spent being pasture potatoes with us for the rest of time.**

We feel that our buddy, Rye, deserves a permeant spot on our website under our pasture potatoes section! Rye is our only pet wether and lives with our retired girls! He is definitely a "girls girl" (LOL) and would be devastated if he was anywhere else! He especially loves being with his mother, Brandy, and grandmother, Moonshine. Rye is not only great company to our elders and juniors who are not ready to be bred yet (from which he has earned the nickname "Uncle Rye"), but he is also our personalized heat detection service and lets us know when dinner is not promptly served at 4:30. He holds a special part in all of our hearts, maintaining the vibrant personality he had as a kid. He is also Noir's littermate, which is one of the pieces left that I have directly of her. We love our life with Rye and couldn't imagine him being anywhere else but with our herd! He earns his keep and makes us happier than ever.