Little Moon Acres R 3X ACHARM
D.O.B: 03-12-2024​
Sire: Knott Farms Pedro Rico
S: Took A Leap EZ Pedro Perfecto
D: Sunnydale Farm I Hollie 4*M (LA ++++ 84)
Dam: HLFM PH Oompa Loompa (LA VVVV 87)
S: *B Castle Rock Purple Haze (LA +VV84)
D: Sisters Three Fleurette 3*M (LA V+EV 88)

Show Wins
The Big E (Jackson Noble): 12/23 in 6-12 MO (at 6 MO)
MDGA Fall Virtual Show 2024 (Kelcie Wolboldt & Lavinia Allen): 2/5 in Intermediate Kid (at 6 MO) x2, Reserve Grand Champion x2
2024: It took 3 years to get here, but I finally got a doe from Oompa Loompa and I LOVE her! I tried something different this year with using Knott Farms Pedro Rico on Oompa and so far I love the results. Lots of "milky" genetics and heavy on Castle Rock, which I like! Hollie also produced my friend Lorene's two finished champions, Jasmine and Lupine, so I am feeling lucky with her as she is a doe I have always admired. Thyme, otherwise known as her very fitting name "3X A Charm" is a lovely kid. She is very long, has a nice rump, and beautiful brisket. She arguably has the most level topline in my herd, and all of our does are very level. She is sweet as can be and is very quiet, I don't think I have ever heard this doe make a peep! I was so scared when Oompa had these two monster sized kids, but they are perfect in every way for me! We can't wait to see what the future holds for our sweet Thyme! She also performed well in shows that she attended this year.
2025: Thyme is bred to *B HLFM GR Seattle Sunrise for April kids. She is an absolute monster in terms of size and will be able to handle kidding just fine. This is a very unique breeding and I am hopeful to get a doe from her so we can keep progressing with this line a little further!